Monday 31 July 2023

I worked on a kids book!

It's funny: I spent years, having an awkward relationship with my disability, I wanted to hide it, pretend to be like everyone else. I didn't want to acknowledge who I was and how harmful masking was. Turns out, being more open about it and discussing it has afforded me my in into creative work: my episodes of Pablo, my place on ITV Original Voices last year, and now this.

I worked as one of several disability consultants on I Am, You Are, a non-fiction kids picture book, talking about disability, life and accommodation. It's a conversation starter for families and kids to think a little more about such people and the world around them, and why this topic matters so much. But this is no tragic story: instead, it's a colourful and vibrant book that celebrates in addition to teaching.

Click here to get yours.

Big thank you to the team at Ladybird/Penguin for listening to me, to the author and illustrator for their hard work, and for Laura Henry-Allain for recommending me.