Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Monthly Round-Up (Reviews, articles and more) - August 2017

Summer draws to a close, and so too, I fear, will anothr chapter in my online quest.It wasn't an easy choice to make, and took much thought, internal debate and even libation, but I feel it was the right decision. But enough about that (more in the next post), let's get back to new reviews. As always, follow me on my official page for all news:

On ThirdActFilm I give you a special ITCFTBB review as I tackle the Christian animated tv movie, 'Joshua and the Promised Land':

Next, I do a Throwback Review on the 90s Tim Burton-produced cult hit, 'Cabin Boy':

Then, I return to an 80s oddball as I re-examine Robert Altman's 'Popeye':

And finally, I give you my own tips and tricks as I explain how to start being a film critic:

Get your copy of Time Shadows here and support a really good cause for the disabled:

And a final, but important, update on my own animated series, Agents In Odd (nay Very Strange Things), here:

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Feedback from Big Finish - The Paul Spragg 2017 Short Trip Competition

Normally I don't write about when I enter any sort of scheme, contest or opportunity aimed at writers: not just because, like many a Catholic boy, I fear jinxes, but also because it's rather pointless to do so. Why make a big deal out of something that isn't a certainty?

But this is different. And very nice.

Ian Atkins is the editor for the Short Trips, a range of Doctor Who audio short stories produced by Big Finish. For the last two years, they've held an annual contest to find new writing talent. How? Write a 30 minute short story, or rather its outline and opening, and then submit. The top 100 of their selection are the only ones who receive feedback from Ian, given the sheer amount of submissions they get.

So, lookie lookie what popped into my inbox:

Hi Abel,

Thanks for writing in. We had hundreds of submissions (as last year) and I couldn't reply to all of them. However, in some cases I wanted to make an effort where although the work didn't quite make the final short list, it was very, very good. I thought this was a wonderfully human story, beautifully character-driven even when neither protagonist is actually human, which takes some real skill. Thanks for letting me read it,

Best wishes, and do keep writing,


This was a real pick-me-up, and I am very, very grateful for the kind words and encouragement from Ian and the BF crew.