Sunday 27 February 2022

5 More Things I wished Amateur Screenwriters would JUST. STOP. DOING.

One of my most popular pieces on this blog was about five things I wanted newbie writers to stop doing. These were bad behaviours, choices and general non-nos that only guaranteed a one-way ticket away from the industry. My goal with this blog is to, hopefully, inform and aid newer writers in their decisions and save them time by avoiding doing the really dumb stuff. Stuff so dumb you'd think no would ever do that, and yet, a casual look in screenwriting groups and forums always yields these fruits.

So, just like Hollywood, why not cash in with a sequel?


I get it - you want to make a big impression. Collaborate and network with as many people as possible, say yes to as many gigs as possible because hey, credit's credit. You want to be the best, the fastest, the smartest, the deepest, the hardest, the wisest, the most honest, the--

CUT IT. Just, cut it there. 

Overpromising with your time and skillset is a surefire to mess up what ground you have gained, and what relationships you have built. One needs to be open at the start of their career, but you have to be realistic. As it's unlikely writing is your day job yet, your time on it is limited and precious. If you know that all you will have time for is one or two specs, focus on them. Don't try and write five or six shorts or a webseries, deplete your personal life and leave a bunch of people unhappy. Likewise, when you meet people in the industry, don't babble about something this is far, far away from being ready.


Everybody wants the Cinderella story. I get the appeal: one lucky roll of the dice, one turn of the wheel, one magic ticket to everything you ever dreamed of. You pour your all into one script, convinced that this will be your ticket forward, and then submit it to the most prestigious contest or open call you can. The one that promises mentoring, commissions, money! The answer to your every problem, surely?

And when you don't make it through, it feels like the pits and you question why you even bothered. 

Look, disappointment is natural and it's an important feeling - there's no shame in being hurt. But don't build your entire writing schedule around just this one shot: network, look for other opportunities and, as I've said many times, keeping a rotating portfolio of projects to work on. You can have a script or contest you want above others, but getting rejected from the BBC Writersroom or Austin or the Nicholl is not the end of your career and proceeding to then throw tantrums about it online is no better. Give yourself a bit of time, relax, and get back on.


Fanfilms, even fanfiction, can be a lot of fun to write, but that's not what I'm talking about. Time and again you see people on forums ask how they can make a movie or show based on a still-copyrighted IP, or how they can pitch to said copyright holder (usually a big studio), as they already have, and I want to really emphasize this, written a script based on it. Before any kind of agreement.

I hope alarm bells are going off in your head after reading that: you just threw away days, weeks, months, on something that you are highly, highly, unlikely to be able to do anything with for years, if not decades. Is there a way to get the rights to something? Yes, you can contact the IP holder (like an author) and ask about how much the film/TV rights are, but usually this is purely at a pitch stage.  Without a body of work, without some kind of proof of your ability, this is a complete waste of time and your priorities are all wrong. Write original material, make people excited about YOU.


Everybody wants mentors and everybody wants contacts. You want to get better and you want to know people. Sometimes, a pro writer can be open, whether through a reading service, a mentoring programme or just simply be conversant on social media. Or you do what I suggested with networking and reach out to development staff. Sometimes you may get luckier and find you and they get along and think on the same wavelength. So you take the shot and send a script. Only problem: you forgot to ask. 

Please people, always ask first. It's not hard. Pros are busy and that they are giving you their time is something to respect. Never, ever treat anyone in a way you yourself would not want to be treated.


Hey, like poetry, this rhymes with #1. However, there is a difference between the two: this one is solely about you and your time, not what other people want from you/you need from them. 

A lot of writing advice, however well-meaning, tends to posit that the true writer, the true artist, is a single-minded machine and much devote every moment they can to working on their magnum opus. Typically, this comes from the perspective of someone who hails from a middle/upper class background and has the time, income and even support to do that. If you don't have that safety net, don't. It's not worth it. Write at your speed.

Well, wasn't that a mouthful? But I hope it's helped you. At least, it may have saved you some embarrassment.

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